Deborah, is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in both Texas and Florida and possesses 18 years of clinical expertise in social services and family therapy. Her diverse background includes certification as a Life Coach, enabling her to guide individuals in achieving personal, business, educational, and life-related goals. Graduating from Carlos Albizu University in 2006 with a degree in Psychology, she embarked on her professional journey case manager in social services. Witnessing the prevalent mental health challenges faced by many, Deborah recognized the need for more comprehensive support beyond existing community resources. This realization steered her towards further academic pursuits at Nova Southeastern University, specializing in Family Therapy with a focus on addressing early trauma and family-inherited behavioral patterns. Deborah is dedicated to helping individuals cultivate positive relationships and break detrimental cycles. Through a belief in the inherent goodness of people and the importance of healthy relationships, she navigates her clients towards fostering healthy patterns and unleashing their full potential. Deborah aims to facilitate a transformative journey for her clients, advocating for self-improvement and nurturing meaningful connections.